Christ Addicts

Christ Addicts
True generation- we are the Children of God!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Last night (3oth August) was Independence's Eve, d night before "Merdeka! Merdeka!" was wailed throughout the whole dataran area, and people in UMS were doing countdowns at the sport complex. Neither me nor my room mates participated in those 'things'... Things which we considered were just a 'minor-thingy' and watching drama marathons from laptops were considered more important than celebrating Merdeka...

I went home around 9 p.m and along the highway road (di tanjung Lipat), got some gutsy bikers (riding bicycles, not motors) cycling around the dangerous road with big Malaysian and Sabah flag tucked behind their bikes. Yet, they were foreigners... *Sigh~ How can someone, someone from other countries show-off their pride waving OUR flag, sedangkan WE as PURE CITIZENS of Malaysia dont even care to put a small flag on our car, or to stand up properly when we hear Negaraku berkumandang...
*Question mark~ Maybe innocent-minded and naive people are the only ones who can appreciate this country~

When d driver beside me saw them, dat person exclaimed "PTI, buat palah macam tu, kasi stress pemandu ja mau drive, takut accident..", As if the bikers were referred as road-pesters and that patriotism act was just a waste of time.

Not many of us would do the same, to pose a 1 meter flag using just a rusty cheap bicycle along a busy highway; cuz we're busy thinking that 1 Malaysia cant be achieved: Blame the lame clown-politicians-unable to handle things fair and square; and woe to those "clustered-people" who only prefer to be one with their own species. ((Stratifying your own races, religion and language wont do much for our multicolored country)).
Be 'distributed', go and mingle with others, then you may be able to appreciate the blue-red-yellow-white piece of cloth known as OUR FLAG. Sabahans, we are MALAYSIANS, we are no longer Borneo. Play our part in realizing 1 Malaysia. We dont have to wait for the higher authority to make a change. We too, first- appreciating our country. So wave your flag (if u have one)~~~ ^_^

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